Deck the halls...

Yesterday, as I was washing some dishes in the kitchen, I kept smelling a sweet, spicy, scent and wondered where it was coming from. There were no scented candles light. Then it dawned on me...the gingerbread houses! I love that they are not only fun to look at, but share this lovely scent during these days of preparations for Christmas.

Our home has been decorated for over a week, since I had to get it ready for the Christmas dessert on December 6th. Though it was a push to get everything done so early, I must say it's given me time in the morning to enjoy the sparkling Christmas tree, the softly light creche, and the gleaming mantle. Do you want a little Christmas tour?  I love to see how others "deck their halls" for Christmas....hope you do too! Welcome...

The entry...

A cross stitch piece I did the first Christmas we were married..long ago!

The kitchen...

The Hot Chocolate Bar which gets used often...

The real light of Christmas...

Nordic figurines I bought on a trip to Italy in 2006...

The kitchen "nook"...

Love my little the caroler candles my mom brought out every year when I was growing up. I added the God Jul (Merry Christmas in Norwegian) this year...and the Gingerbread houses, of course!

Our Advent wreath...another Norwegian find!

I know, I know...I'm a little Norway crazy!

Passing through the dining room...

Moving into the living room...

You may remember that our living room is long...almost like two rooms. Here is one side...

Loving our tall Noble fir tree which our son decorated this year...

And the other side of the living room...

And, a little touch of Christmas in the office...

Hope you enjoyed this little tour...still adding a few touches of Christmas here and there. I came across a quote I'll share with you, 

"It isn't the holly, it isn't the snow, It isn't the tree, nor the firelight's glow. It's the warmth that comes to the hearts of men, When the Christmas spirit returns again." Warmly, Gracia